Minnesota is acting to swiftly bring our Climate Action Framework to life.

How is Minnesota meeting our climate goals?

In September 2022, Minnesota launched the Climate Action Framework, our state’s plan to reduce climate pollution and prepare our communities for the impacts of climate change.

The framework was developed with input from over 3,000 Minnesotans and includes specific action steps and measures of progress to guide and evaluate our work.  

The state is acting swiftly to bring our Climate Action Framework to life.

clean transportation icon depicting a car, the state of Minnesota, and clean energy symbols

Goal 1 – Clean Transportation

Connecting Minnesota through a safe, equitable, and sustainable transportation system that serves all people of our state.


  • $1 billion investment in public transit
  • New rebates to make EVs and e-bikes more accessible
  • $80 million in federal funds for projects like EV chargers and bike paths 

Icon depicting a tractor in a field

Goal 2 – Climate Smart Natural and Working Lands

Managing land in a way that absorbs and reduces climate pollution while sustaining resilient landscapes.  


  • Millions invested to grow our forests, prairies, wetlands, and peatlands
  • New funding to help farmers adopt healthy soil practices
  • 1 million acres of farmland enrolled in the state’s Water Quality Certification Program

Icon depicting a house and city building with trees

Goal 3 – Resilient Communities

Planning and investments to ensure Minnesota communities are prepared for the impacts of climate change.


  • $100 million for climate-smart infrastructure
  • New guidance for cities and counties to prepare for climate impacts
  • Investing in shade trees to keep Minnesota cool

Icon depicting city buildings and a clean energy icon

Goal 4 – Clean energy and efficient buildings

Expanding our use of carbon-free electricity and creating healthy, comfortable buildings that are cheaper to operate and pollute less.


  • 100% carbon-free electricity by 2040
  • New building codes to reduce energy use
  • New tools to take advantage of federal investments

Healthy lives icon depicting a creative arrangement of 4 people icons in a circle

Goal 5 – Healthy lives and communities

Protecting the health and well-being of Minnesotans in the face of climate change.


  • Improving public health resilience
  • Protecting our drinking water
  • Tracking health impacts

Icon depicting a worker with a hard hat, an electrical plug, and a clean energy symbol

Goal 6 – Clean economy

Creating a thriving, carbon-neutral economy that equitably creates new job opportunities.


  • New clean economy apprenticeship program
  • Support for communities transitioning away from fossil fuels
  • Seed investments for climate-focused startups