The transportation action team is focused on working collaboratively with Minnesotans to identify and advance policies and strategies that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector in both the near-term and years to come.
If you or your organization would like to participate in this work, please reach out to our team contacts listed below.
We want to hear from you: share your ideas for climate solutions for transportation using this online comment form.
In summer 2021, we'll host a conversation about [topic] as part of the Our Minnesota Climate forum series. Stay tuned to the Get involved page or sign up for Our Minnesota Climate email updates for more information.
Recent work
In 2020, the new transportation action team began by:
- reviewing existing state and regional plans for climate and transportation in Minnesota
- scoring a list of policy recommendations based on equity and potential greenhouse gas emission reductions
- ranking recommendations based on the impact scores
Our public engagement in the fall of 2020 focused on gathering input about these potential solutions through an online survey, comment form, and a virtual listening session.
- Watch a recording of the listening session on YouTube: Transportation action team listening session (Sept. 3, 2020)
We learned that stakeholders want to see:
- transportation solutions that address and prioritize equity
- a more robust strategy for reducing vehicle miles traveled
- more support for non-motorized transportation options, including funding to support active transportation modes like biking and walking
Based on this feedback, we added to and refined our list of potential actions and strategies, available here: Potential transportation-specific climate change policies
Our team is focused on advancing solutions for the transportation sector that will meet the goals of the Climate Change Executive Order and align with Minnesota statutes (174.01), including:
- ensure that the planning and implementation of all modes of transportation are consistent with the environmental and energy goals of the state
- promote and increase the use of high-occupancy vehicles and low-emission vehicles
- reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the state's transportation sector
Our work includes policy research and development, technical analysis, and exploring implementation of policies and strategies.
Team chair
Tim Sexton
Assistant Commissioner
Minnesota Department of Transportation, 651-366-3622
Team lead
Siri Simons
Principal Sustainability Planner
Minnesota Department of Transportation, 651-366-4834
Team members
- Arrowhead Regional Development Commission
- Metropolitan Council
- Dept. of Administration
- Dept. of Commerce
- Dept. of Health
- Dept. of Transportation
- Minnesota Housing Finance Agency
- Pollution Control Agency
For more information about transportation and sustainability in Minnesota, visit the Minnesota Department of Transportation website: Sustainability and public health