Over the last two years, Minnesota has made significant progress on its Climate Action Framework. Billions of dollars in state and federal funding have advanced dozens of programs to cut climate pollution and prepare our state for the impacts of climate change.

To reflect this progress, Minnesota will update the Climate Action Framework in 2025. All Minnesotans have a role to play in our response to climate change and the state wants your input on the future of climate action in Minnesota. 

We're seeking people who are interested in joining workgroups to inform greenhouse gas modeling, local government actions, and new content for each of the six framework goals: clean transportation, climate-smart natural and working lands, resilient communities, clean energy and efficient buildings, healthy lives and communities, and clean economy. The healthy lives and communities workgroup will focus on environmental justice.

These workgroups will provide input and feedback on climate policies and measures of progress. They will also review relevant analysis, such as greenhouse gas projections, benefits of climate action, and workforce needs for policy implications.

If you’re interested in joining a workgroup,  apply by September 9, 2024. 

The state of Minnesota will provide additional opportunities to participate in Climate Action Framework updates over the next year. Check out our Engagement HQ page to learn more and sign up for email updates on climate action in Minnesota.